Task :
On jump host create an inventory file in "/home/thor/ansible/inventory" and add all application servers as managed nodes.
On jump host create a playbook "/home/thor/ansible/playbook.yml" to copy "/usr/src/sysops/index.html" file to all application servers at location "/opt/sysops".
Run the playbook using command "ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook.yml", so please make sure the playbook works this way without passing any extra arguments.
Execution :
Navigate to the "/home/thor/ansible/" directory to create inventory file and the playbook. cd /home/thor/ansible/ vi inventory
- Add the following lines into the inventory for each node.
hostname ansible_host=ip-address ansible_ssh_pass=password ansible_user=username
hostname ansible_host=ip-address ansible_ssh_pass=password ansible_user=username
hostname ansible_host=ip-address ansible_ssh_pass=password ansible_user=username
Create the playbook.yml to copy the file to other nodes.
The sample of the file can be found in this link ---> https://github.com/mightygull/Ansible-Playbooks/blob/main/Ansible%20Copy%20Module.yml
Run the playbook to execute the task required.
ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook.yml