HAProxy LBR Troubleshooting

HAProxy LBR Troubleshooting


2 min read

Task Requirement :

We have an application running on our infrastructure in the Datacenter. The monitoring tool recognized that there was an issue with the haproxy service on the LBR server. That needs to be fixed to make the application work properly.

Troubleshoot and fix the issue, and make sure haproxy service is running on the LBR server. Once fixed, make sure you can access the website using the StaticApp button on the top bar.

Execution :

To troubleshoot and fix the issue with the haproxy service on the Nautilus LBR (Load Balancer) server, you can follow these general steps. Please note that the specific commands and configurations might vary based on your system and environment.

  • Check haproxy Service Status

    sudo systemctl status haproxy

  • If the service is not running, start it using

    sudo systemctl start haproxy

The error messages in the log indicate that there is an issue with the haproxy configuration. Specifically, it mentions parsing errors and a fatal error. Let's address this by checking the haproxy configuration file for syntax errors.

Check haproxy Configuration.

  • Verify the haproxy configuration for any syntax errors or issues

    sudo haproxy -c -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

The error message indicates that there is an issue with the user ID specified in your haproxy configuration file. Specifically, it cannot find the user ID for 'haprox,' and this is causing parsing errors.

It appears that there's a typo in the user directive in your haproxy.cfg file. The directive is currently set as user haprox, instead of user haproxy. Let's correct this typo.

sudo vi /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

After making this change, save the haproxy.cfg file and then check the configuration syntax and restart the haproxy service.

sudo haproxy -c -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

sudo systemctl restart haproxy

sudo systemctl status haproxy

Make sure you can access the website
