Install and Configure HAProxy LBR

Install and Configure HAProxy LBR


2 min read

Task Requirements :

There is a static website running in the Datacenter. They have already configured the app servers and the code is already deployed there. To make it work properly, they need to configure the LBR server. There are several options for that, but the team has decided to go with HAproxy. FYI, apache is running on port 8083 on all app servers. Complete this task as per the below details.

  • Install and configure HAproxy on the LBR server using yum only and make sure all app servers are added to the HAproxy load balancer. HAproxy must serve on the default HTTP port (Note: Please do not remove stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats entry from haproxy default config.).

  • Once done, you can access the website using the StaticApp button on the top bar

Execution :

Navigate into the LBR server using the ssh command.

ssh username@server-ip-addr

  • Step 1 - Install HAproxy

    sudo yum install haproxy -y

  • Step 2 - Configure HAproxy

    sudo vi /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

Add the following configuration. Make sure to replace app_server_ip1, app_server_ip2, etc., with the actual IP addresses of your application servers.


log /dev/log local0

log /dev/log local1 notice

chroot /var/lib/haproxy

stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats


log global

mode http

option httplog

option dontlognull

timeout connect 5000

timeout client 50000

timeout server 50000


main bind *:80

acl url_static path_beg -i /static /images /javascript /stylesheets

acl url_static path_end -i .jpg .gif .png .css .js

use_backend static if url_static

default_backend app_servers

backend app_servers

balance roundrobin

server app1 app_server_ip1:8083 check

server app2 app_server_ip2:8083 check

server app3 app_server_ip3:8083 check

# Add more servers as needed

  • Step 3 - Check HAProxy Configuration

    haproxy -c -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

  • Step 4 - Restart, Check Status and enable HAProxy to start on boot

    sudo systemctl restart haproxy

    sudo systemctl status haproxy

    sudo systemctl enable haproxy

Accessing the Website
